Keglers Logo of Orchard Park

Mission Statement

The specific purpose of the corporation shall be to receive and administer funds to facilitate, financially support and provide assistance the athletic bowling program at Orchard Park High School and provide the necessary support and tools to encourage and motivate youth to participate in and develop positive attitudes and strength of character through the sport of bowling.

Keglers of OP

Summer Programs

Summer Bowling Camp

Interested in trying out for Varsity Bowling? This camp will help you to get ready! Open to boys and girls from incoming 6th graders through 12th grade. Camp will be divided into 4 groups: boys entering grades 6-8 and grades 9-12; girls entering grades 6-8 and grades 9-12.

Camp will focus on:

  • Development of the 4-step approach
  • Arm swing movement with the 4-step approach
  • Accuracy on mark shooting with the arm swing
  • Spare conversion concepts
  • Strike line accuracy

Players do not need equipment when camp begins; bowling balls and shoes are available at Strikers for those who do not have their own

$425 - includes instruction, and new equipment for the participant to keep (bowling ball (medium aggressive) with custom drilling included, shoes and single ball bag)
$275 - If the participant already has their own equipment (bowling ball) the camp cost is $275 for instruction only
Strikers Lanes
50 Michael Road
West Seneca, NY 14224
See more information here
Joe Biondo - Orchard Park High School Varsity Boys Bowling Coach
Ed Jensen Jr - Asst. Coach
Kim Caligiuri – Orchard Park High School Varsity Girls Bowling Coach
Ruth Wooliver - Asst. Coach (Bronze Level USBC Coach)
Who When
Boys entering grades 6-8 9:00am – 10:30am Mondays and Wednesdays July 10, 12, 19, 24, 26, 31
August 2, 7, 9, 14
Girls entering grades 6-8 11:00am – 12:30pm Mondays and Wednesdays July 10, 12, 19, 24, 26, 31
August 2, 7, 9, 14
Boys entering grades 9-12 9:00am – 10:30am Tuesdays and Thursdays July 11, 13, 20, 25, 27
August 1, 3, 8, 10, 15
Girls entering grades 9-12 11:00am – 12:30pm Tuesdays and Thursdays July 11, 13, 20, 25, 27
August 1, 3, 8, 10, 15

How to Register

Use the link below to register for a camp. Clicking it should open Venmo with all the appropriate fields filled out. If it's not filled out, please send $425 per camper (or $275 if you own equipment already) to @keglersofop with the camper names and your email or phone number in the note so we can reach out with more information.

We use Venmo so you know all transactions are secure and all your information is safe. If you have any questions, please call or text Ruth Wooliver at 716-946-1987

Introduction to Varsity Boys and Girls Bowling

This camp will teach you all the basic skills and fundamentals of the game of bowling. Participants will also learn about opportunities in youth bowling, including Varsity-level athletics (students in grades 7-12 are eligible to try out), travel league, and potential USBC scholarship opportunities.

$60 per participant; no equipment needed
See more information here
Strikers Lanes
50 Michael Road
West Seneca, NY 14224
Joe Biondo - Orchard Park High School Varsity Boys Bowling Coach
Ed Jensen Jr - Asst. Coach
Kim Caligiuri – Orchard Park High School Varsity Girls Bowling Coach
Ruth Wooliver - Asst. Coach (Bronze Level USBC Coach)
Who When
Boys entering grades 6-8 9:00am – 10:30am Monday/Tuesday, June 26/27, 2023
Girls entering grades 6-8 11:00am – 12:30pm Monday/Tuesday, June 26/27, 2023
Boys entering grades 9-12 9:00am – 10:30am Wednesday/Thursday, June 28/29, 2023
Girls entering grades 9-12 11:00am – 12:30pm Wednesday/Thursday, June 28/29, 2023

How to Register

Use the link below to register for a camp. Clicking it should open Venmo with all the appropriate fields filled out. If it's not filled out, please send $60 per camper to @keglersofop with the camper names and your email or phone number in the note so we can reach out with more information.

We use Venmo so you know all transactions are secure and all your information is safe. If you have any questions, please call or text Ruth Wooliver at 716-946-1987

Grants We Provide

Grant Program Policy and Procedure

The specific purpose of Kegler's of Orchard Park, Inc. ("Keglers") is to receive and administer funds to facilitate, financially support and provide assistance to the athletic bowling program at Orchard Park High School and provide the necessary support and tools to encourage and motivate youth to participate in and develop positive attitudes and strength of character through the sport of bowling. The Keglers grant program shall consist of two types of grants: Program Grants and Individual Grants. Program Grants will be given to benefit the Orchard Park High School ("OPHS") bowling program. Individual Grants will be gi,ren to selected students who meet certain program criteria as outlined below. Grant applications will be reviewed and awarded by the Keglers Advisory Committee, which shall consist of the following:

  • The current officers of Keglers (President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer)
  • OPHS Varsity Bowling coaches
  • Three additional parents of OPHS Varsity Bowling team players

Program Grants:

  1. Application Process

    Program Grants will be given to benefit the OPHS bowling program. The person requesting funds will submit a written request to Keglers, describing:

    • The specific funding amount requested
    • A description of how the funds will be spent, and how the spending will benefit the OPHS bowling program
  2. Eligibility Criteria for Recipients

    The following people will be eligible to request Program Grant funds:

    • OPHS Varsity Bowling coaches and other staff of OPHS Athletics
    • Assistant coaches, parents or guardians of OPHS Varsity Bowling team players, or other volunteers acting in a capacity to promote and benefit the OPHS Varsity Bowling program
  3. Selection Criteria

    The Keglers Advisory Committee will award the grants that provide the most benefit co the OPHS Varsity Bowling program, based on a majority vote, and the Keglers Treasurer's recommendation regarding the availability of funds.

  4. Who is Responsible for Selecting the Recipients

    Program Grant recipients will be selected by the Keglers Advisory Committee.

  5. Record Collection and Retention

    Grant applications, approvals, and disbursement documentation shall be retained by the Keglers Secretary for a period of seven (7) years after the grant is awarded.

Individual Grants:

Individual Grant programs will be created by the Keglers Officers. The first Individual Grant program will be the Keglers of Orchard Park Graduating Senior Grant ("GSG"). This grant is meant to recognize Orchard Park Varsity Bowling Team graduates who demonstrate leadership skills, excellent character traits, and personal commitment to the sport of bowling.

  1. Application Process

    Eligible graduating seniors will complete the application (Exhibit A), which includes a summary of bowling activities, coaches' input regarding character, and an essay written by the student. Students will submit the application by January 31 of the graduation year to the member of Keglers Advisory Committee who has been selected to coordinate the grant applications. Coaches will submit input to the same designated member of the Keglers Advisory Committee by February 28 of the graduation year.

  2. Eligibility Criteria for Recipients

    Any graduating senior who has been a member of the OPHS Varsity Bowling team for a minimum of two (2) years is eligible to apply for a GSG. For the school year 2019-2020 only, OPHS Varsity Bowling team members who graduated in 2019 will be also be eligible to apply.

  3. Selection Criteria

    The Keglers Advisory Committee will award grants based on a points system outlined in the GSG application. The points system will include the following components:

    1. Number of years' participation in OPHS Varsity Bowling:
      1. Grade 7 and 8: 0.5 points per year
      2. Grades 9-12: 1.5 points per year
      3. Maximum: 7 points total
    2. Personal commitment to bowling:

      Applicants will demonstrate participation in bowling activities outside of OPHS Varsity Bowling, for each year of high school (grades 9-12).

      1. Bowling in additional tournaments: 1 point per year
      2. "House" bowling league (winter): 1 point per year
      3. "House" bowling league (summer): 1 point per year
      4. Pepsi travel or other select bowling league (winter): 1 point per year
      5. Maximum: 4 points per year of high school, 16 points total
    3. Leadership/ Character:

      For each year of high school (grades 9-12), applicants will be awarded one point for demonstrating each of the following character statements:

      1. Takes initiative to help less experienced bowlers
      2. Demonstrates a positive attitude at matches and tournaments
      3. Demonstrates a positive attitude at practice
      4. Accepts and acts upon feedback/new ideas from coaches
      5. Shows support, respect, teamwork, and sportsmanship for the other OPHS Varsity Bowling team (boys to girls, and vice versa)
      6. Shows sportsmanship and respect for opponents
      7. Displays courteous and respectful behavior to coaches
      8. Displays courteous and respectful behavior to adults/spectators
      9. Maximum: 8 points per year of high school, 32 points total
    4. Essay:

      Each applicant will compose an essay worth 20 points. The essay will be at least two pages long, and the topic will be:

      1. How has your experience in youth bowling improved your strength of character?
        1. Describe at least two character traits that have been improved and/ or enhanced through your experiences, and
        2. Describe at least one character trait that you are working on, or would like to improve.
      2. Highlight how this character development will help you in yow: next phase of life.
    5. Grants will be awarded based on the total number of points for the graduating senior's application, as follows:

      Points Grant
      65-75 $500
      60-64 $450
      55-59 $400
      50-54 $350
      45-49 $300
      40-44 $250
      35-39 $200
  4. Who is Responsible for Selecting the Recipients

    Program Grant recipients will be selected by the Keglers Advisory Committee.

  5. Record Collection and Retention

    Grant applications, approvals, and disbursement documentation shall be retained by the Keglers Secretary for a period of seven (7) years after the grant is awarded.